Our world is generally filled with daily situations that can make one lose it, if care is not taken. And often times than not, we see people flare up in anger over trivial matters and in most cases, in serious matter too. Now, it is not totally wrong to be displeased over few things, since we are not a robot, everything will not sit well with us.

 It could be the sluggishness of the waiter or even the cab driver that decided to drive you past your junction, it could even be your boss at work who is overbearing or your spouse who has decided to be unkind to you for no reasons whatsoever.
 In a nutshell, humans generally have more than enough reasons to be displeased, annoyed or unsatisfied, but then how do we cope with this feeling that is dominant in our lives. 

If you ever want to live a fulfilled and happy life, you must normalize making excuses for people, that is giving them the benefit of doubt. Just maybe that waiter that is so sluggish has some personal problems that have not been attended to, maybe a close relative is battling with a deadly disease or something of sort and that is the main reason why he/she can’t be proactive and keeps forgetting your complete order. 

 Or your boss is under pressure to deliver and therefore, result in him/her being too hard on you. Just maybe! If you must get over bad temper, you must learn the art of making excuse for people at all times. This will save you a lot from getting hurt at all times. The excuses you are making for such people might not be logical at that instance, but then, you need to hold on to something really healthy.

Psychology says that angry people think about harming those who have caused them pain. It could be through words, like the angry person just want to say hurtful words so that the partner can feel or have a taste of their own medicine. But then, if one could avoid talking immediately, it will help assuage the feeling of anger. 
Chances are that an anger person hardly think before saying anything, hence rationality is gone down the drain and most times, in a heated exchange of words, anger is rarely subsided, rather, it aggravates beyond control. This is because anger people always feel like their anger is justified. Most times, this could be mistaken because many people may think otherwise and they are trying so hard to prove their point, albeit in an incoherent manner and nothing is resolved. 

It doesn’t seem logical not to pick offense, especially when you are justified but it is actually your choice to either pick offense or not. Even if you’re right about the matter, you could choose to not allow it bother you and stay happy. Getting angry is a choice and picking offenses that will sponsor your anger trip is also a choice. Choose wisely!

Most times, anger is caused by dwelling on negative thought. This is one of the fastest ways to be angry, just focus on one thought that is negative and you will see yourself getting angry in no time. Personal assessment is very important but then, it could be detrimental if care is not taken, wrong assumptions and wrong interpretation of situations can also be another negative thought. A person who dwells on the negative side of life than the positive tend to get angry easily than someone who is a happy-go-lucky kind of person will hardly have the time to ruminate the negative side of his/her life. If you really want to control bad temper and anger of all sorts, avoid meditating on negative thought, else you will live on earth like a volcano ready to erupt, anytime you are displeased. 

This is one of the important ways of controlling bad temper. Let your thought be positive always, this because a positive mind or heart does not embrace offence or hurt or anything. If you focus on the positive side of life, you are fifty percent less vulnerable to getting angry at several occasion.


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