Rejection as a necessity?

 Rejection is generally the refusal to accept or consider something or someone. Human beings regardless of the diversity in tribe, location, colour, race, society and upbringing have an innate desire which is characterized by the desire of being loved, cherished, appreciated and most of all, accepted. This desire, however, is inherent and explains the fact that we instantly feel emotionally down when we are not accepted. Regardless of the supposed indifferent attitude that most people eschew towards acceptance and love from others, everybody still desires to be accepted but unfortunately we don't always get what we want or what we feel we deserve. The world we live in is not wired to hand over our deepest desires to us.

In other words, we can say that rejection is inevitable and when it happens, it demoralises one's self-esteem. It is so disheartening seeing the one you love reject you for someone else or after putting your utmost best for a job opportunity, you were told point-blank,'Sorry, you are not what we are looking for!'. It could hurt your self-confidence to say the least. It could make you want to give up on life but there is a better way of dealing with rejection.

First and foremost, you need to face the reality of the rejection. You've just been rejected, so don't make up excuses for being rejected. Tell yourself the bitter truth that you were rejected, forget about the reason why you were rejected. At this initial stage, it is not advisable because you haven't see the bright side of the rejection yet, it could ruin you.

Then, you try to figure why. You need to ask yourself what was that thing that was lacking which made you to be rejected. Brutal sincerity and honesty is advised here as it will help you to analyse the rejection critically.

It is important to know that every rejection regardless of how painful it was, could be used to trigger some sort of improvement from the person rejected. However, it is quite annoying how people just get bitter and angry without improving themselves. They are still the same people who were rejected, no new skills, no added value or anything. It is not a terrible thing to get angry but do well to channel the anger in such a way that it brings a positive result. Eradicate those traits you possess that are detrimental to you as an individual and intentionally develop and equip yourself with new skills. Groom your talents. Hone your skills. Identify your weaknesses and deliberately work on them to be better.

We all can be the better version of ourselves and sometimes, rejection helps trigger the call to be better.


  1.'s like saying rejection is a hard pill to swallow.


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