The Strong also cry.


The strong also cry.

The psychological makeup of humanity is such that we can't exist independently with help from other people. Most times, to be successful in life, we need to be assisted by someone or even a group of people. Likewise when it comes to the rigours and hardships of life, we can't go through it all without the help of another individual.

For many of us, we have that person we run to for help, consolation and advice in terms of need. We have that person that seems to be in control of all and can help keep everything afloat for us. Apart from God, this person has realistic solution to every problem, talking to this person gives a soothing relief to our soul and we long for it. We believe the said person has good listening ears and carefully absorbs everything we have to spew. We really don't care about the nothingness and meaninglessness of our words with this person because we know he/she will sieve out what we meant to say and discard the chaff that accompanied our words. 

However, it is enigmatic to think that the solution provider needs help and that he/she can be broken down into pieces through the hard challenges of life. The first day I saw my mother cried, I was momentarily dumbfounded and stood rooted to the same spot for minutes. I kept questioning what could have happened to my strong woman who had answers to every puzzle. It was surreal as I saw tears streaming down her cheeks unrestrained. I racked my brain for everything she had said in difficulty times and it wasn't balancing up because everything I had passed through, my mother has pulled me out and I couldn't see the reason why she can't help herself.

We all have our breaking point as humans regardless of how strong we are or claim to be, there will be moment of weakness which will make us hazy and our mind starts flubbing and it can all crescendo into a very emotional period and we just let the guard down and break down. We all need one another to survive but unfortunately we allow ourselves to get encumbered by our challenges such that we feel some set of people have attained some resistance or have developed their immune system to universal challenges but unfortunately, no one has such, people might pretend to be on top of a situation, actually many people do but no one has the ability to resist all what life will bring our ways and that is why it is extremely essential if we render our little bit of care that those set of people who have answers to all the seemingly difficult circumstances.

Have you ever wondered the rationale behind why motivational speakers do commit suicide? These set of people inspire and prod us forward with their words, they motivate us so much that giving up seems like a betrayal of all we've been exposed to, but then such motivators would then give everything up and then commit suicide. It depicts in clear terms that it is easy to always help others and still be in distress, loosely speaking, you can help others get out of difficult circumstances and find yourself in similar one and yet you are short of solutions.

It is essential to note that we humans need one another to survive the hurdles of life and the timely solution which people give is really not a depiction that they have it altogether or they have problem-absorber. No! They don't have and that is why we should be on the lookout for one another regardless of how they might have come through for us in the past. It can even be so strange such that the same circumstance that they have helped us out might be what will weigh them down. Funnily enough, when you use their words for them, it goes a long way because some people are not self-motivated and they need to hear these things from another person not minding the fact that they might have rendered help to the same situation which they find themselves.

In a nutshell, the strong people cry, weep and get weigh down becauar they are humans and we have a breaking point, making it pivotal for us to reach out to others because we never can tell if their strength can withstand what they are passing through.


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